Everyday Resources

We have collected resources to help families seeking assessment, those newly diagnosed as well as navigating challenging situations like puberty and school. 

Members are welcome to recommend additional content or advise us of updates to existing ones, just email us.

ACN Calendar

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Social Stories

Visual stories to help access venues


Compilation of useful content & resources

Language Resources

ACN language guides on autism

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ABS Statistics

ABS report and summary findings (2015)

Companion Card

How to get & apply for a NSW Companion Card

NDIS Video Guides

Introductory tutorials covering the NDIS

Dental Care Guide

A guide to dental care for autistic children

Carer Gateway

A government program providing free services and support for carers

Family Advocacy

Advocacy organisation that supports families across New South Wales

AFDO Resources

From the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO)

NDIS Resources

Guide for understanding your NDIS plan

Carer Statement

Template for writing an NDIS carer statement

Plan Report Writing

Guide for writing reports for NDIS plan reviews

A-List Hub

A place where young autistic people can search for autism friendly activities

Sydney Autism Lions

Lions Club dedicated to the advancement and empowerment of people on the autism spectrum

Different Journeys

Social platforms that connect Autistic youth, Autistic adults and their families

Multilingual NDIS

Contact the NDIS Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450

Sunflower Lanyard

Need a Sunflower lanyard or wristband? Order online for delivery to your address, free of charge.